Thursday, December 02, 2010

Hello December

Oh my gosh! It's December already?! O.O

Now time is going REALLY REALLY fast.

It is already the third week of my holiday and boy oh boy I think I have been enjoying too much food *gulps*

But it is soooooo mouth-watering how can I stand it? Look at these foods that welcomes me from my stressful days at university :D

WARNING! You will have a possibility of drooling over the pictures and will probably ask your mom to cook for it too or  you will try to cook it yourself but ended up being burnt and your last resort will be buying from some restaurant! 



Masak Lemak Ketam!

The super soft rice with added soy sauce and the gravy  :D

I opted to have this with a crispy salad and fresh tomatoes with a little bit of tomato sauce (tomato on tomato :p).

The crab was super nice! I literally ate all the gravy on the crab and thank God Mama bought big crabs with lots of meat inside :D

My dinner on the the first day of holiday! :D 

*om nom nom nom*

Mama also decided to be extra rajin to try new recipes when I started my holiday. Okay blame Mama too if I gain weight during the holidays -___-

This is one of the recipes she found in the internet. You see, Mama is suddenly fond of going to other people's blog just to find recipes she can try and I swear to you she has been comparing her production of food with my other aunts.

Okay. That what stay at home moms do when they are bored.

This is Brownies Kukus dengan Keju or Steamed Brownies with Cheese :D Inspired by Mama's friend when she brought us some of hers.

Mama's first attempt at the brownie!

The brownie was soft and spongy and the cheese did not taste super creamy (which I love). You can opt to choose creamier cheese but since I am not exactly fond of cheese, Mama decided to make it less cheesy.

Then comes Raya Korban and of course there will be food :D 

Mama decided to cook Nasi Briyani with Ayam Briyani and Acar. A simple food for the family and does not take much time.

For the Acar, Mama mixed up vinegar, salt and sugar and we used pineapple, carrot, cucumber, red onions and red chillies for a hint of spiciness :D

Delicious Acar

Ayam Briyani :)

Nasi Briyani
It was really delicious that I had two servings of it for lunch and another serving for dinner! O.O

I am really going to gain weight!

Atok having his Nasi Briyani!
Ps: Would someone tell me why does blogger makes the pictures to turn out in weird sizes if it is not edited or if it's too big it'll just come out big? O.O It's a hassle and I do really like the old version. Easy and it compresses the photo without me having to edit it first.

Willwritelater XP

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