Wednesday, July 28, 2010


After my last post, I've come to realized that I've been neglecting my bloggy. I hardly post any topic near enough to what is currently happening in my life. To make this up, I shall share you what I've been up to these past few weeks! :D

Let's start with how I am now a semester 5 Masscomm student! Yeay! I always have a thought on how it was going to be a long winding road finishing my diploma years but in the end time comes by fast and suddenly I'm in my final year.

All those sleepless night, rushing in to send in all the assignments before the dateline, the journey back home and of course, the issue on staying outside. Let me clear that issue if you may let me do so.

I have settled in a semi-D house about 10 minutes from my campus. It's a nice neighbourbood and with other 7 housemates it's a fun house :)

The only trouble is I do not have my own transportation and I have been bugging my house mates by asking them to send me to class and picking me up after class ends. This has caused a tiny, wee bit, itsy bitsy problem and I hope to find a solution soon (ahemahemmeansacarformeahemahem). Okay, no. It's not a tiny bit of a problem. It's huge but I'm waiting for some miracle and yes, that involves buying a car :P

For those who are interested in what subject I am taking this semester I am going to spill it now. All in all I have 6 subjects that I'm taking this semester and all of them are pretty hard. I'll make a list for you rather than type it in a sentence so you little stalkers won't have a hard time to list them down and paste it on your wall just to see in which class I'll be in.

BRO 331 Audio and Video Production
COM 361 Introduction to Communication Research
COM 362 Principles of Marketing
ETR 300 Fundementals of Entrepreneurship
PRO 321 Event Management in Communication
PUB 351 Multimedia Design and Production

There are only two new lecturers that I'll be seeing (PUB 351 and PRO 321) as they have not taught me, like ever, during my days as a Masscomm student. Out of all subjects, I dreaded COM 361 or Comm Research as I always say it.

Why so? Well, it's because the class is all about how to make the perfect research in which I'm not exactly keen on learning it. Plus the subject itself is quite dry. No matter how you want to make it interesting, it just bores me to death or to sleep. That's more like it :P

Anyways, lets move on to food! :D

Yes, yes I know you prefer to see all the pictures of food but I'm going to limit it this time. I will have another post on the latest dining places I've been to :)

Ps: I was having steamboat with my family to thank Allah because Atok's surgery went well. He's fully recovered now :)

Willwritelater XP

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