Saturday, June 20, 2015

the racing heart: the plan

If you missed the first part, click here :)


Now, where was I. Oh yes that tingly, good feeling.

After the career fair, I head on with an acquaintance for an Easter break trip. During the trip to Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris, all I had in my mind was just the day I had with him. I was enjoying the trip but there was a little voice constantly whispering to me how it would be nicer if he was the one with me on this trip. 

Throughout the 12 days of travelling, I just wished I could experience it with him. At that point I realised I definitely had developed a crush on him. I couldn't believe myself but I noticed that I talked about him too many times with my sisters. Even my sisters thought I had gone angau (eeks this is so so so embarrassing!).

I remembered I was at the top of Eiffel tower when I texted him telling him I was still safe despite travelling with a person I barely knew (okay that is a different story entirely). Just getting his replies blew me with excitement. I am completely over my head I tell you (pft! This is so not Izzah).

I even compared how he outweighs the guy who I've been travelling with and he was completely at the top of the scale, if there is one. Ah the things you think about when you're crushing on someone. This sounds hilarious by the way. The crazy things that we do haha

One with the Eiffel Tower!

Realising how much I wanted to see him again sparked an idea. He was going back to Malaysia for a couple of weeks for Easter break and I knew I had to ask him a favour to bring something back from Malaysia so I can pick it up from him and indirectly meeting him, again. 

Genius huh? :p

Being a good person that he is he said he could help me with the favour. So I asked my sister to buy my favourite pineapple tart that I was really, really craving for and arranged for the delivery. The plan worked. I was due to be in London end of May for an interview for my dissertation and I checked with him if he was free during the period I'll be in London.

"Yup, I'm free. Let me know the date you'll be coming".

I swear I jumped in happiness. I mean come on, who does not feel happy when they were to meet their crush right? It's normal peeps. Completely normal.

Tickets to London and coming back here, booked.
Accommodation with cousin, check.
Outfit after some last minute shopping, check.
Hearts going faster just thinking of him, definitely 100% check!

To be continued.

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