Friday, June 19, 2015

19 hours: it's ramadhan!

With Aunty Inn and Ika during our first tarawih

Referring to the title, more or less, that's the duration of time I am not allowed to eat or drink during the holy month, Ramadhan that I have been waiting this year *looks left and right anxiously*. I was quite scared that I might not be able to fast that long at first, but I did a few of the sunat fast prior to Ramadhan just so I know how it will feel like. Especially when it is the first time I'm fasting away from home, my family and friends. And it turned out okay! :D

Alhamdulillah, I've been granted to grace Ramadhan with my cousin and my aunt with me in Cardiff. Of course it feels different to be fasting longer but somehow, it has been bearable (it must have been the big, juicy Medjool dates). Mind you, those in Cardiff need to fast from 3am and break fast at 9.45pm. That is long for someone who is used to not eating for only 13 hours during Ramadhan back in their home country.

The trick for me to not feel like the clock is ticking slowly is by keeping busy. I'm at the stage where I'm writing my literature review and jotting my findings hence it keeps me off from the rumbling tummy. Oh and couple of watching movies and series somewhere in between. Okay fine, it's not good to lie. It's more of watching those rather than writing but I'm doing it bit by bit :p

Apart from keeping busy to let our minds off the act itself, the most important thing that all Muslims should strive for this month is to increase our deeds for Allah s.w.t. It's the month where we should read the Quran more, increase our charity efforts, and make full use of the time that we have to do all the good things. Oh let's not forget tarawih! It's the only month we can perform the special prayer leading up to Lailatul Qadar. 

Speaking of which, yesterday, during my first tarawih at a mosque nearby my house, I've been blessed to witness a new member of the Muslim community announcing his faith to Islam. MashaAllah, it was one of the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. 

He was a young man, probably around my age, all with his confidence said that he know what Islam is and how we live as a Muslim and he wants to be a Muslim. He then recited the syahadah in front of everyone. That second, he officially becomes a Muslim, Alhamdulillah. It was so magnificent to me I teared a little. Such brave soul. I have never seen a person converting in front of me and to be able to witness this is blissful.

We then had our 8 rakaat tarawih prayers which ended at 12am, rushed home to my cousin's place and prepared for sahur. No time to sleep! Had subuh and off we go to sleep. This is how I foresee how my days will go by this month. Wish me luck!

To all Muslims everywhere in the world, Salam Ramadhan al Mubarak. May we be blessed with the holy month, fill our days with good deeds and strengthen our iman, In shaa Allah. Until then, toodles! 

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