Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back to Books!

Tomorrow will be the first day of my degree course and yet I don't know how I really feel about it. Happy? Yes 'cause I'll be seeing my friends. Sad? Yes 'cause I'm leaving home for Shah Alam. Scared? Yes 'cause I don't know what to expect for tomorrow!

I am trying to mentally and physically prepare myself for this 5 coming months of arduous work after a 4 months break. Gosh, why did they ever give us the 4 months break? One and a half month is enough but 4 months? You have made me become a lazy ass person.


One thing's for sure is that I am prepared fashionably! During and outing with my estranged father I've bought bags, shoes and other stuff needed for degree :D Hey, we have to be prepared for that too. It does give a boost to your self-confidence level ;)

Oh no! I feel a fever coming :( Sore throat go away, come again.... never! xD

Wish me luck for tomorrow and the days after and good luck for my friends on the same boat as me too! :)

Willwritelater XP

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