Thursday, December 09, 2010


No, that's not a typo. I'm super scared with my result since the 5th sem *%)#)^*# to me


I think this was the hardest semester through out my 5 semester (one more semester left!) and part of it was because I was unorganized :(

Ye lah, ye lah my fault too :(

But it wasn't only me, the assignments are super hard too! For the first time, I had to make or 'shoot' a video clip with my (AWESOME) group mates for our assignments!

Hell yeah we did Ning Baizura's Awan Yang Terpilu xD But who knows prolly it'll be one of the alternative video clip to the song no? ;)

Bab-bab ni best la sikit :D Bunyi orang 'shooting' (bukan tembak okayyy, rakam ye rakam) je rase mega xD

It was just a music video clip we did for out Audio Visual class :D

We had to properly organize our time for the scenes wanted in our video clip. The place, the settings, the timing, the lighting and all those stuff. We even have our very own STORYBOARD!

This is a must in every production that takes place as it would help the production team to know things needed in every scene ;)

Now now back to results. Well it's due this FRIDAY!


Can I NOT look at it for the first few days after it is out? :( 

Willwritelater XP

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