Thursday, August 06, 2015

writing dissertation

I am here in the Lounge are in my university's Student Union typing away the Findings section for my dissertation. I have never felt that I need to work outside my room since I have always been able to keep my focus better when I'm alone.

But age is catching me fast. Previous attempts to work in my room failed miserably for the past few months since my level of concentration falls beyond my expectation. Working in my room is more of 90% being distracted of the things I want to do versus 10% of actually doing work.

It is even harder when I can only focus for about an hour straight before my tummy suddenly churn out a sound complaining that its hungry when I just feed it like an hour before. Mengada!

In the student union, I feel more calm because I don't have to see the dusty spot on my window sill that I need to clean and wipe before I leave my room. I don't need to think about cleaning my bathroom that has been cleaned a week ago. I don't need to think about how many boxes I actually need to fit all my stuff before my travelling period starts. And I don't need to care how 'suddenly' hungry I feel after an hour of focusing.

Time just pass by quickly when I'm at the Student Union. Except when I bump into someone I know and we start to talk and try to do our work. Then that's another problem. But most of the time I would just stay quiet until my friend would start talking to me.

Here's a selfie of me trying to pretend everything is under control when it's actually not! Now back to dissertation. Hope all of you will have a good day! 

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