Tuesday, November 10, 2015

the racing heart: day to day (date)?

I would highly suggest you read part 1 and part 2 first before continuing this.


I was planning to meet him on Friday where we would both go for a theatre show, Miss Saigon and pick up my delicious pineapple tart. But as I arrived two days earlier, I suggested if I could meet him on Thursday instead. I mean I wouldn't want to lug around my precious tart all over London.

He was up with a luncheon and even suggested few places we could go. Okay, I like guys who likes to plan out the day and what not as I am a planner as well. He even apologised saying he was busy doing dissertation that he couldn't really plan the day. He was definitely making me tick all the characteristics I want in a man (cue: awww).

Since I was visiting the Natural History Museum, we agreed to meet at the nearest tube station and ride together to the place we were having lunch. I still remember walking towards him, standing, waiting for me to come in all his perfection. I swear he doesn't need to even try to court me. I was already falling for him. 

The day went very well and we had a lot of fun over lunch and just going around the town. I got to know more about him, something I didn't expect would happen. We even extended our meet up after he called me after we parted ways to meet one of our colleagues who was in town for a holiday. 

I honestly came back that night along with my pineapple that he almost forgot to bring along grinning ear to ear like a teenager. I felt alive and I thank God for making me feel this again. It was just the feeling I asked for. 

The next day we met up a couple of hours before the play hoping to get some dinner. I was already running around from morning heading one place to another I almost look dishevelled. While I was in Harrods, I managed to check myself and see how I look like. 

"Hair's fine. Make up is still on. Oh wait, I need to touch up my eyeliner and add on a little bit of lipstick. I think I look okay now". I suddenly had that nervous feeling, thinking how he would think if he see me all messy. But all that disappeared when I saw the time. Need to rush!

We didn't figure out what we wanted to have for dinner. I suggested for Stax in Soho but it had a half an hour waiting list. Thankfully he remembered an Asian restaurant just below Stax called Cha Cha Moon. It was a cosy restaurant with dimmed light filled with rows of long wooden tables and chairs. Honestly, I felt that we were on a romantic date haha. I settled for a delicious Seafood Hor Fun and he took his favourite Yellow Curry Lamb.

My delicious Seafood Hor Fun and his Yellow Curry Lamb

As much as I want to deny it and not being a fan of lamb, the lamb curry was so good! So going to get it next time. Although it was the fastest time I had to eat dinner, we managed to make it in time for the play.

Full house I tell ya but we've got the best seats!

I would highly suggest Miss Saigon for musical lovers. The setting was great, actors were amazing and of course the person I went with was great too. The night went by so quickly just because we had too much fun. I didn't want the night to end I wished it could've gone longer.

After the play, being a gentleman that he is, he walked me to where my cousin was waiting for me. The highlight of the night was when he introduced himself as a name where only his close friends and family would call him. I was surprised when he mentioned that name instead of the usual one I always call him.

Of course I'm smiling from ear to ear. My favourite person was behind the camera

And that was the end of our meet. Or so I thought....

To be continued.

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