Monday, March 07, 2011

This Is My Future OK!

I am back from Kedah!

It was an interesting trip but the journey was so long (the bus driver made it longer -____-) I feel like sleeping the whole day.

During the journey to Kedah, I got to know one of my friend, Ashman Mahfudz, the Head Project for our event was pranked by the DJs in the 'Gotcha!' call!

The DJ's used the 'cancellation of the venue' as the reason to kena kan Ash.



I'm bursting out laughing! Razaleigh, you really got Ash :D It was kind of mean but when you look back in the future you'll definitely have a big laugh!

I will post my trip to UUM Sintok, Kedah soon :)

For now, I have to study for my Translation mid semester exam :S

Willwritelater XP

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