Friday, December 17, 2010

Apam Bunga

Just a quick post, I'm heading out for a movie with little aunt and sister :)

I have found a new addiction O.O

It's apam bunga! There is a lot of names given to these little yummies but at the place where I bought it, it was called apam bunga.

I just bought it yesterday and being a big fan of these apam I bought ALL of them! xD Well just because there were only 10 of them and little sister wants it too.

The history of how I discovered this apam is just plain boring but anyways I first found these awesome apams at my high school. I seriously can't remember how I find interest in buying them but I did and it was seriously good I kept on buying them everyday!

I would feel so 'sayang' to eat them I would keep it in my bag and eat it slooooooooooooowwwwwlllyyyyyyyyyyyy at home. Seriously.

After I finished school I did not find any of these apams anywhere else until early of the year where I found a stall at a Bazaar Ramadhan in Malacca. Albeit it tastes more of the rose essence I kept on buying them.
The apam in Malacca
Few weeks ago Mama, little sister and I went out to buy some groceries and then we stopped by at the area where the apam was sold. Mama wanted to buy some putu bambu (which is super good too!) and I wandered around and that's how I found my addictive apam! :D

They didn't put anything to make me addicted to it right? :p

Mama had now found the recipe from some blog and is going to try and make them :D

They sell for 40 cents a piece and RM 2 for 5 :)

The store (more like stall) opens at 11am until 7pm* (depending on the availability of the kuihs sold). For more info you can check out their blog here :)

Narnia awaits me!

Willwritelater XP

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