Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I am here to rant, yes, you read that right. If you are not in the mood to read some moody stuff please go somewhere else.

I have not had any rants for quite some time and sometimes it is not good to let it eat up yourself. Therefore I think it is time for me to let it out.

For those of you who had known me for quite some time, I have a loud voice. Seriously.

I do try to control them but most of the time others would tell me to just shut up. I do not exactly show my feelings to others but only to those who are close to me.

I silence myself as I do not want to pick a fight but when I feel it is the right time you will see my true feelings.

I am writing this down as someone who I see almost everyday has been 'complaining' about my loudness. You see, I have been 'skyping' with my loved ones and when I talk to them I tend to lose my control on the loudness of my voice.

I really, really, really had try to control it when the person is around me but I expect the person to tell me to shut up and not put their feelings on Facebook or other publishing sites.

I would have definitely and totally prefer if someone who is not happy with me to tell it straight to me and not cowardly talk it 'behind my back'.

If the person I am talking about is reading this, I would like you to say it to me face-to-face and I mean it. It would not have hurt me if you say it to me earlier but it hurts that you would rather speak it up to others and not to me.

Right now it is your call.

Willwritelater XP

1 comment:

  1. awww baby :(
    you're not loud, even if you are, all of us have that side.
    whosoever did that is so mean >:|
