Tuesday, January 05, 2016

wrapping 2015 and welcoming 2016

FYI: This post contains a huge amount of pictures that you can ever imagine. So be patient and enjoy.


Play this song before you move on to read the whole post :)

Travel Year.

That is what I would say if you asked me for a theme for 2k15. 

2015 has brought me to many places I have only dreamed of and I thank God mercilessly for the opportunity. Studying for my Masters brought me to the UK and everything kick-started there. From meeting new friends and connecting with old acquaintances. Those from near and far. From discovering new places and retracing back old steps. Here's the list of the places I went in 2015:

January: Bath, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, and Stratford-upon-Avon.

With Aunty Inn and Ika at Bath

Woohoo! Made it to Manchester United's Stadium
Birmingham City Hall, if I'm not mistaken :p

The beautiful Birmingham Library

Went to Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester with these two goons, Ani and Rosa :D

Any KOP fans here?

No ball, use bag also can lah

Found the old house family used to stay when Atok was studying in Manchester. Still the same old house.

To the Beatles Musuem we go!

A day trip to Stratford-upon-Avon brought me closer to the history of Shakespeare

In front of Shakespeare Birth House

Stratford-upon-Avon is a really nice quaint town

February: Caerphilly Castle and Sheffield.

One of the many castles in Wales and the UK

Went to Caerphilly with Fiza and Azfar whom now are husband and wife :D

When you see Aiskrim Malaysia, you just have to buy. Especially when it's Milo.

Don't be fooled by the sun, it snowed a little just after -__-

Missing Farrah and Dhiyau! 

Where there's food, there's Malaysians.

March: London, England.

At the Malaysian Career Fair

Thank you Paoie and Abang Haqqa for accompanying me to the fair!

Then off to my favourite detective's house!

How can I not take a picture with the famous Baker Street!

April: Amsterdam (Netherlands), Brussels (Belgium), Paris (France) and Brecon Beacon (Wales).

Typically how houses and buildings look like in Amsterdam

I wanted to go into Anna Frank's house but the queue was too long when I reached there. Maybe someday when I return back to this city.

Say cheeeeeeeeeeeseee!

Keukenheuf! Flowers everywhereeeeee

"I think this shoe is a tad too big for me sir"

Who doesn't love orchids!


At the famous Red Light District where you can really see women posing in glass doors to attract potential customers

And we are in Brussels!

The famous Atomonium

It was raining when we traced back our way to Brussels's city centre but that didn't stop me!

Belgian Waffle at its best

Mannekin Pis 

Welcome to Paree!

On top of Montemart

Single and not ready to be attached :p

Musee de Lourve

Another must visit place in Paris. Musee d'Orsay.

Spot this without anybody to kiss. When I have a husband then :p

Spot "Saya Cinta Padamu"

Eiffel Tower. Oh wait, you know this already.

River Cruise got me all blushed

One of my favourite pieces in Musee d'Orsay

You should wait when the Eiffel tower starts to twinkle every hour on the dot. It's magical

Gallery Lafayette. A must stop mall

It's Brecon Beacon's baby!

Who says you can't have ice cream during Winter?

May: London (again).

The amazing Natural History Museum

Can you guess what skeleton this is?

My favourite part in the museum, the Earth!

Off to Miss Saigon theatre. If you've read previous posts, you know when this happened ;)

Strolling at Portobello Market

Don't you just love the colours?

Not the best crepe but it's enough for me

If only we could erase the bad things in our lives with this

Finally bought Paolo Coelho!

I somehow find this very satisfying and serene

It's always nice to have a bit of Laduree's pastry while working

Thank you Paoie and Abang Haqqa for hosting me again!

June: Swansea

Swansea is a quaint little city with a majority of the citizen being retirees. We were here for a day trip to see the beautiful Rhossili Beach.

I wonder who does all these graffiti.

Sheeeppppppp. Sheeps everywhere!


How can you not feel peace and calm here?

July: Tenby, Pembrokeshire

One of my favourite places in Wales. Just because it's so colourful!

There was a wedding photo session when we got up here

Get all your sand and sea collectibles here!

August: Athens, Greece.

This is when all the fun really starts. Almost 3 weeks of trip before heading back to Malaysia.

Say 'hi' to Bella and our just woke up face and not putting any make up on

Ancient ruins

It was really sunny.

The best spot for sunset viewing. Amazing weather too!

Up at the Parthenon!

It's always exciting to mail postcard! To loved ones they go :D

Met with a couple of Malaysian students from Jordan

And a pair of retirees from Britain!

Off we go to Santorini :D

September: Santorini (Greece), Rome, Florence, Venice (Italy), Seville (Spain), London and Iceland.

Seafood here is so expensiveeeee T_T

Woot woot. Red Beach ya'lls.

Up in Oia <3 td="">

MCM is so beautiful here <3 td="">

Can never go without my gelato :p

Can you feel the breeze swaying passing your face?

It looks better in person. Seriously, you MUST go!

A simple breakfast before we start with another day :)

Periss or also known as the Black Beach

We just stayed here for a long time just enjoying the sun, sea, and breeze while chanting peace.

One of my little projects while I was on my trip :)

Super red and super tan. And this is just the beginning.

Back in Fira <3 td="">

It's not always that you find couples wearing the same t-shirt colour as the doors/windows right? :P

An hour flight brought us to ROME! Bonjiorno Italy!

The Spanish Steps


Fresh pastaaaaaa

The Trevi Fountain where people throw coins. But, it was on renovation and restoration so all we had was a barrier between us with no coins to toss :(

A walk to the Vatican city

The Roman Forum
This place is just HUGE. It was raining when we got there and we completely forgot to bring our umbrella hence the soaked hair and clothes. Thank God it stopped after about 10 minutes with sunshine coming through the clouds. Drying time!

A visit to the Colosseum :D

I can just imagine the scene in Troy <3 p="">

After 3 days in Rome, we head to Florence. By far my favourite city in Italy. It's just so beautiful with lovely people.

It wouldn't be an Italy trip if we didn't stop at the Pisa Tower eh? Leaning towards the Earth each year bit by bit. I wonder if it will ever fall down.

You MUST have a tourist pose like this. Don't tell me that you don't want to do this

Stopped by at a chocolate shop called Venchi and had the best gelato ever! It wasn't even that expensive! Promise me you'll stop by this shop when you're in Italy. It's worth it!

Where to next?

VENICE! But there was just too many tourists around it felt suffocating. The city is really nice though :)

Loving the colours!
While we were waiting for our next flight, I was in the airport shop just roaming around when I found my childhood chocolate wafer bar! TRONKY YA'LLS!

They even have different flavours instead of just the normal hazelnut one <3 a="" already="" and="" backpack="" but="" buy="" couple="" destinations="" full="" go.="" have="" hence="" i="" it="" lot="" my="" of="" p="" should="" still="" suffice.="" to="" wanted="" was="" whole="">

Up in the air

And we're in SEVILLA!

Metropol Parasol, the largest wooden structure in the world

Planet Naboo anyone? :D

Can you imagine how big this thing is?
After spending 3 days in Seville and not wanting to go back, we dragged our feet back to London. Bella was ready to go back to Malaysia but I still have one more place I need and have to visit.

To the greatest, most amazing place in the world with these two goons who made me laugh again and again!

Meet Ezzah and Anisah

Hello Reykjavik <3 td="">

If you don't know her, you're too young. Or ignorant.

The cost of living here in Iceland is expensive hence we decided to cook whenever we can. Spicy Tuna Spaghetti anyone? :D
Throughout the whole 4 days we were in Iceland, the weather was so so so, amazing. It was sunny all day and we get to see the best of everything, Alhamdulillah.

The best of all, we get to catch the famous Aurora Borealis! WOOHOO! You don't know how much I've been dying to witness this natural phenomenon. More on this story later. I promise.

How often do you get to see clouds touching the mountains?

Pisang goreng lookalike

Where are you Thor?

The place where Gerua music video was shot! It really is amazing!

Rainbows were just everywhere we were, Alhamdulillah

The cold can never stop us to have ice cream

Zapin in Iceland? Why not!

Happiness at its best

At the fourth largest glacier in the world, the Myrdalsjokull Glacier

It was too bright at Skogafoss. Close eyes!

Made it to Eyjafjallajökull :D

Black Beach at Southern of Iceland

Hallgrímskirkja. You can spot it from afar as it stands at the top of the city

Best sunset ever

Had a chance to take the boat for Whale Watching!

My face when I'm super happy

Rindu mak cik yang tersengih kat belakang tu

Walking behind the waterfall!

Orang belakang nampak macam nak baham ice cream je

My favourite building in Iceland, Harpa <3 td="">

I could just spend the whole day here

And after 4 days, we are back in London just in time for the Harry Potter Studio Tour! Woohoo!!!

Tickets and audio guide, check!

The room under the stairs

In the Great Hall

Choose your wands

Diagon Alley

A paper model of Hogwarts

And the real thang. It's HUGE!

The details put into it. Magnificent

You can buy your wands here :D

And back in Malaysia in September.

Melaka in October.

Finally, Singapore in December.

One of the best briyani's my sisters and I had at Madura.

Cracking the Cocoa Ball at Cocoa Colony

The three sisters are back together!

Christmas Wonderland

Ice Palace for ice skating fanatics

Sooooo naissss

Do we look like sisters?


Nothing can go wrong with a Duck scarf

Tried out a burger joint called Working Title at Arab Street

Salted Caramel Waffle at Spize. So good!

Working Title burgers. Juicy.

Say 'Hello' to Mak Ngah!

I swear these koalas were just staring at each other wondering what in the world they are doing there

Kak Noi found her great-great-great-great-grandparents! :p

Dang! You're cute!

Kak Noi wanted to buy some clothes apparently

'Nak beli carpet kak? Mai mai! Murah! Murah!

Marinara Spaghetti at Savoury.

This Salted Caramel waffle is just yums. You can choose the gelato's flavour from their in-house gelatos

4Fingers Crispy Chicken!

Super good Long John Silver's

Another round at Savoury

Pergi jauh-jauh tapi still nak makan kat Oldtown :p

Cousin, second cousins, uncles and aunties!

Introducing my two cousins. Both taken :p

Dropped by at Tok Lang and Nek Lang's house. We do this every time we go to Singapore

"Is my pout right, fishy?"

And the best view ever. Still can't beat Iceland's :p
And..... you've made it to the last picture in the post! Congratulations! Comment 'DONE' if you've made it this far :D

It has been by far the most time I've travelled compared to past years and I am definitely most humbled by the lessons 2015 has taught me. 

2015 has also shown me that no matter where you go, you'd still be meeting all sorts of people. Those with good and bad intentions. Those who pretends to like you but deep down they just need to use you. 

Looking on the brighter side, I met tons of new friends, been to many places on the top of my bucket list, felt alive and in love, got my heart racing, take a leap on something I had never done, and most importantly; I've started to cover my hair as required by my religion. Alhamdulillah.

Let's now wish for a greater year in 2016. And the theme that I can foresee for this new year is Weddings (my favourite theme!).

Until then, wishing you a blessed 2016 and happiest new year! :D

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