Friday, December 18, 2015

rumah manis rumah

I'm BACKKK!!!!!!!

Yes, yes, back in sunny Malaysia! 

*do the happy dance*

(credits to: Reader of Fiction)

Well in fact, I have been back for almost three months after leaving Malaysia at exactly one year and 2 days. I have sooooo many stories to share, majority of them being my travelling stories.

I had a 3-week trip to the places I've been wanting to go before taking the flight off to KL. 

Athens, Greece
Santorini, Greece
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy,
Venice, Italy
Seville, Spain
London, UK

and the best of all

Woohoo! I could not have been more proud of myself for being able to reach to the top destination in my bucket list. Typing this out makes it even more surreal! 

Of course, I've been to other places apart from the three-week trip that I have been meaning to share but the blogger side in me has been super busy eating all the food Malaysia could offer. (Seriously, I gained 4kgs and I expected worse). Teehee!

But.... I'm off to another country in few days and I'm scouting for other spots I haven't reached (I've been to this country countless of time but I rarely explore it :/). Let's hope this time I'll manage to cover a lot more.

Speak soon!

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