Thursday, January 06, 2011

Post - Holiday

I was too lazy to blog these past few weeks hence slow updates from me :p

Last year's holiday was okay I guess. I didn't do anything extraordinary and I didn't even go out to welcome 2011. Oh oh by the way,


It's not too late considering it's only the sixth day of the year, right? :p

Unlike most of my friends who went for holiday trips I spent my time learning to cook. Some of it were caramel, Spicy Beef Rice, Shrimp Chili Aglio Olio, and Spaghetti with Tomato and Blackpepper Hotdogs.

I still don't know the real reason why I wanted to cook in the past holiday but I think it came to me that I would someday be someone's wife and being a wife I would not want my family to have their meals outside everyday.


That's quite futuristic, no? O.O

Anyways, these meals were simple to prepare and cook plus as a beginner I would not want to try complicated dishes :)

 Shrimp Chili Aglio Olio

For Shrimp Chili Aglio Olio, I google-ed before hand to see how other people cook theirs. Aglio Olio as I found out were one of the simplest dish to cook and even simple enough for a man to cook ;) It's so versatile that you could do your own variation of Aglio Olio.

The basic indgredients you need to have is spaghetti (of course), garlic, parsley (the one with stalks), and extra virgin olive oil. The rest is up to you.

For me, I switched the chili to cili api to make it more spicy as I love spicy food. I did not have lemon so I took limau kasturi in exchange. I also added cajun and oregano just to add a little bit more spices and flavours.

This dish was inspired by a recipe I took from Australian Women's Weekly.

Spaghetti with Tomato and Blackpepper Hotdog

This dish was cooked just because I had some spaghetti left from the above's dish and I had to finish the tomato sauce I bought to make pizza. 

Toss in extra virgin olive oil, garlic, and oregano and done! :D

As for the hotdogs, I like my hotdog to be boiled first and then tossed in while cooking the sauce.

Big Apple's Donashi

I've been wanting to try Big Apple's Donashi but never got the chance. So when holiday comes, it was the time for some testing :D

It was okay, I guess. I had flu so my bud was a little tasteless. It was so cute that I kept half of it in the fridge for the next day :p 

That's all for now. I'll update more soon :)

Willwritelater XP

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