Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I have always been interested with creative projects (although I am not one of those people with creative minds) to see how they evolve and what the creative people can produce.

Recently I have been visiting my newly favourite actor's, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, tumblr in which he features his production company

Yes, click that link :)

The purpose of this company is to produce creative things such as videos, stories and others with the collaboration of other creative people and it is called RECords.

Here is the first video that is a result of many collaborations from different creative people :)

The first reaction that I had after watching the video is how a simple plot can be so interesting with the combinations of many different elements and how detailed it is.

Do go over to hitRECord's tumblr as often as you can as you can see Joe's Regularity videos in which he updates on what the organization is doing :)

Ps: I am not paid to do the post and I fully support this organization for the love of art :)

Willwritelater XP

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