Wednesday, July 01, 2015

the hottest day ever!

I have never said this here before but I've told some of my friends this. Spring is my favourite season. Ever. Summer is just too hot!

Yesterday was the hottest day ever. 29 degrees Celcius. The highest temperature ever since I came here. I'm not kidding you. 

Yeah, yeah I know Malaysia is hotter bla bla bla but the heat in the UK is really something. It's like the when you walk under the sun sans cloud you can imagine rays of UVA/UVB and all that sort hitting you like nobody's business. It doesn't help that the weather here is dry compared to in Malaysia where you still get humidity all over. 

And that's also the time where your thoughts suddenly go:

 "Oh my God, I'm going to get skin cancer from being exposed to the sun"

"I'm going to be even more tanned compared to when I'm in Malaysia"

"I need to wear sun block with the highest SPF ASAP"

During tarawih  prayers last night, a lot of the ladies were drinking cold water from the nearby water dispenser. For the first time here, my aunt and I joined the ladies to have that sip of cold water. That is how hot it was. Increasing the speed of the fan and opening all windows as wide as it can barely helped reduce the heat.

The recent news about heatwave hitting India does not help the thoughts either. People get killed being in during heatwave! 

The heat also had me settled for t-shirt and jeans. No, I even thought of wearing shorts yesterday while I was walking to my cousin's house and I never had that thought before (I'm shy to show my legs). 

Rocking ma Cookie Monster t-shirt. Ola Cookie Monster!

My room was the worst. I can barely concentrate on my dissertation yesterday so I ended up transcribing the previous interview session I did few weeks back. But thank goodness for the fan my cousin gave me. From now on, this thing is just going to be switched on 24/7. 

Life saver!

I hoped everyone back in Malaysia is having a better Ramadhan! Those in the UK, we just need to bear with this for a couple months more.

*Putting on my perseverance cap*

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