Tuesday, August 22, 2017

ed sheeran is all over!

I just realised my Nuffnang header and sidebars have Ed Sheeran Live in KL on it! Woohoo!

I didn't disclose that I managed to buy tickets to his show, didn't I? 

YES! This girl right here, typing super fast just cause she is ecstatic, has got tickets to watch her favourite singer ever this November! *do the happy dance!* 

 Funny story when I was purchasing the tickets. I was late to work and I almost forgot about the tickets since I had a meeting that was about to start. Just as I arrived at the office, I got my laptop out and just click the link in the bookmark (of course I've bookmarked it). After clicking 'Buy Tickets', a page appeared stating that I was in the queue to purchase the tickets.

So I waited and I was curious on what other people were talking about for his show in KL. I checked out the organiser's Facebook page and boyyyy..... there were a lot of comments going on. I only realised they released the seating map soon after. By the time I understood the layout plan, I clicked back to the tickets tab and it automatically refreshes itself.

"Ohhhh.... It's time to buy the tickets!", I talked to myself. It went to the homepage and asked me to choose my preferred seat and that sort. I even had the time to go back to the seating layout on the other tab. As my cousin wanted to go as well, I even picked up the seats for her. 

"Time to checkout...... DONE!" You do not know how it feels to finally get something that you have been wanting for so long! YASSSSS!

Told my cousin I managed to purchase the tickets and that's when I started to read that a lot of people had trouble to purchase them. Phewww... thank God the process I went through was not as hectic as others encountered.

Now that's over, we can finally focus on our one goal. TO MEET ED SHEERAN!

I just can't wait to see him perform live in front of my eyes. Ahhh I can just imagine listening and gasping on how good he sounds like *doze off to dreamy Sheeranland*

To whomever that has got tickets to his show, I'll see you there! Say hi to me if you see me :D

Until then. Off to Sheeranland!

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