Thursday, July 14, 2011


I have reached the time where most people would be celebrating with shots and what nots but for me, due to the rally being held last week I had to forego the opportunity to have a nice dinner with my family -___-.

Nevertheless I did not feel old and I guess I am embracing it. I had a great day out with Manulele last Sunday and it was obviously a blast :D Celebrating a new age is definitely the best when you are with the ones you love most, am I right? Well, at least for me :p

Manulele and I getting crazy :p

For the birthday gifts (I'm sure you're imagining all the things I'd ask for pft), I never really ask for anything but to be thankful for what I have but I do have my cravings. As I ponder during my daily 20 minutes-morning shower to work, I realized that I have been lagging in the blogging area. Yes, I am aware that I have been neglecting this free space but trust me there are loads of things that I would make me hit that 'Create Post' button.

I also have not post up any picture-laden posts just because I was so lazy to tug around my huge and heavy DSLR despite its most glorious functions that provided me with pictures I love most. 

Due to this I've given the thought for the solutions. Ahem, the first one. With the sweetest voice 'Ma, can I have Macbook Air?' :p I didn't actually ask Mama but after much thought (and day dreaming), this magnificent (much? O.o) machine can help me do my future work, and anything that is connected to using a laptop on-the-go. 

I'm sure as a journalist\m student I would be doing work wherever and whenever I am and if I would be using my current laptop it would be a heavy-work to carry it around which will also cause me to hurt my back and later on I might have backache before I hit the 30's.  :O

As a journalism student, I will be required to capture moments and with the huge picture taker added up with the heavy laptop, I would be living an unhealthy life :( For that I've found the perfect camera! Canon PowerShot S95! :D

It has a control ring that acts like an actual DSLR!

*clap clap clap* 

It also has the 'Manual' control settings in which I use ALL THE TIME. It's like bringing a DSLR but only at 192grams! :D 


Cheers to the camera and Macbook Air! :D 

Now all I have to do is nerve up and get this request to mother bear ;)

Willwritelater XP

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