Thursday, March 17, 2011

A New Direction

I'm thinking of changing my URL to "izzahkhalil.blogspot" since the current URL sounded a little childish. 

Fine. It's A LOT -_____-

By changing this it will make people easier to find me plus it would be much easier to remember and easier to spell out.

Although one problem that I have now is that whenever I googled for my name, Izzah Anwar would come out.



Enough said.

What do you think? O.o

Willwritelater XP

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

8th Festival Filem & Video Pelajar Malaysia 2011

Before I head on with the post I would like to apologize for the lack of posts. I've been busy with the upcoming event *winkwink* and other stuff that kept on minggling around like I have no other work.

It's almost a week since I got back form Sintok, Kedah for Festival Filem & Video Pelajar Malaysia. To set the record straight, my group didn't win  but other nominees from my university did win the Best Documentary :D

My group and I consisting of 11 people (only 9 went though) traveled with 2 other groups nominated for the festival from Melaka to Kedah.

Other nominees are 'Waving Flag' and 'Melatah: The Documentary'.

We departed from our campus at 2 30pm and reached Sintok at arnd 12am. Oh mai GOD! It was an uber long journey! Everyone complained the bus was going too slow but when I think back it's good to be safe than to rush. So I just decided to endure the journey.

Thank God we had a couple of stops to empty our tank and fill in our stomach :D

I'm slightly held up with work now so let the pictures do the talking :p

This is Safuan (aka Safwang) our entertainer. His group didn't make it to the finals as something happened but we were glad he came along. He can make you crack a million times without stopping :D

Yours truly :D

Dhiya and Safwang telling us about some safety stuff stewards do in the airplane :p

This was breakfast time. Safwang looks uber cute with the ribbon :D

Final products of nominated productions. Spot ours ;)

Posters from different productions

This one definitely caught my eyes :D Seriously, it's a creative production to make something about toilet holes :p

Paper bag for the nominees :D

We were at Padang Besar on the second day of our trip. Padang Besar is at the border of Kedah and Thailand. We didn't bring our passport thought :(

Here we ate at the nearby stalls. The Somtam (papaya salad) is super awesome. OMG craving for it now :S

Pnut and Safwang. Don't they look really cute together with matching coloured t shirts? :D (cue: awwwwwwwwwww......) Haha!

The Xperia in the picture belongs to Afiq and the product in the photo is not sponsored by any brands mentioned. Cheh cheh, have to tell :p

Laksa Kuala Perlis. It tastes typical, and sorry to tell you it doesn't boast anything special. A good try though.

Anyways, I had Nasi Goreng Kampung! :D They didn't have enough ikan bilis though but it was nice and spicy just the way I like it to be :D

At night we head out to Jeti Kuala Perlis. The university did not provide us with any place to eat but thankfully they did provide us with the food.

All of us didn't want to go back to our rooms hence the trip to Kuala Perlis.

Ekin liked this picture so much so I put this up specially for her :D 

Keep your eyes to the person with the brown baju melayu in the next two pictures ;)

Suke menyebok-nyebok orang lain punye gambar eh? :p

The third day the university did not provide us with any breakfast! I am still pissed at that since they were the host, they should be responsible for all things there. 

Our accompanying lecturers decided to bring us out to the 'town'. They had a mall with karaoke and bowling. After our lunch we had an awesome time singing our hearts out before the nerve comes in for the night.

Safwang really sing his heart out! Look at the second picture :p

The award night. Our group with accompanying lecturers. Spot me!

The award is in this huge hall. See how many seats they have???


The emcees for red carpet. They are really small and short! I thought the VIPs are really tall but nay.

Take picture here, take picture there suddenly the hall was packed!

Shanaz. Why haven't I seen him before? O.o

Super handsome lor!


From L - R: Adi Putra, Julia Zeigler, Irqam and Shanaz

Last group photo before the night ends and we head home the next day :)

All in all it was a fun trip. I need to comment on the management of the university that we had trouble finding where they put their food.

This is just a short post. I shall entertain you with more! :D

Willwritelater XP

Monday, March 07, 2011

This Is My Future OK!

I am back from Kedah!

It was an interesting trip but the journey was so long (the bus driver made it longer -____-) I feel like sleeping the whole day.

During the journey to Kedah, I got to know one of my friend, Ashman Mahfudz, the Head Project for our event was pranked by the DJs in the 'Gotcha!' call!

The DJ's used the 'cancellation of the venue' as the reason to kena kan Ash.



I'm bursting out laughing! Razaleigh, you really got Ash :D It was kind of mean but when you look back in the future you'll definitely have a big laugh!

I will post my trip to UUM Sintok, Kedah soon :)

For now, I have to study for my Translation mid semester exam :S

Willwritelater XP

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Awan Yang Terpilu

I am going away for trip to Kedah! To Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in Sintok to be specific.


I'm only going there because the video clip my group made for last semester's assignment is nominated for 'Best Video Clip' category for the Festival Filem dan Video Pelajar Malaysia (FFVPM). But still, it's just another reason to go away for a trip before my diploma ends :p

I'm so excited since I've never been there and I really don't know what to expect! So I googled the place first.

My eyes went this big when I saw the map,


I'm going to 'A' :)

Can you see how close it is to Thailand?! The first thought that came to my mind was 'The journey would take a freaking day on bus!'


Oh yea, we're going on a UiTM bus since we are representing UiTM and will be staying in the UUM campus.

After realising it's going to be a long journey and the possibility of not having anything to do there since it's way in the 'ulu', I googled car rental companies, ferry rides to Langkawi (Langkawi is quite near to the place I'm going and hopefully we'll get to go there :D) and things to do in Kedah.

I'm such a big freak aren't I?


The journey is about 4 days. We will depart (cheh, bunyi macam naik airplane je :p) Thursday (today) at 2pm and we will head back to Melaka on Sunday (time to be announced).

Now, my suitcase looks like I'm going to a 2-weeks trip! I don't know what to wear there so I just bought anything related to holiday clothes. Though there will be the award night and the theme is 'smart casual' (thank you for giving an easy theme).

I don't know what to wear for that :S

Maybe I'll just shop over there and see what's nice :p

Borrowed Manul's (will tell you about him later) iPod for the trip and charging it :D

Pray I'll be in a safe trip!

Willwritelater XP